Privacy Policy

At StoreSmart, we value your privacy and are committed to safeguarding any personal data you share with us. This Privacy Policy outlines how we process your information when you engage with our services.

By using our services or providing your personal data, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. For any queries regarding this Policy, contact us at

We regularly review our Privacy Policy. Any significant changes will be notified through updates on our website and mobile apps, with the effective date updated accordingly. Your continued use of our services post-update constitutes acceptance of the revised policy.

Maintaining accurate personal data is crucial. Kindly inform us of any changes during your association with StoreSmart.

Our website and mobile apps may contain links to third-party sites. We don't control these sites or their privacy policies. When leaving our platforms, we advise reviewing each website's privacy policy.

Our services are not intended for children, and we do not knowingly collect data related to children, with or without parental consent.

Types of Data We Collect:

Identity Data: First name, last name, username, Identity Card details, date of birth.
Contact Data: Email, addresses, telephone numbers.
Financial Data: Bank account, payment card details.
Transaction Data: Details of purchases, payments, and services obtained.
Technical Data: IP address, device information, browsing details.
Profile Data: Username, purchases, services accessed, preferences.
Usage Data: Information on app/website usage.
Marketing and Communications Data: Preferences in receiving marketing content.
This list isn't exhaustive but provides examples of data we collect.

We collect and process other individuals' data provided by you, confirming you've obtained necessary consents to share it with us.

How We Use Your Data:

Fulfilling contracts or agreements with you.

Serving our legitimate interests or legal obligations.

Enhancing and personalizing our services.

Sending notifications and marketing messages.

Improving user experience.

We may occasionally send push notifications through our apps for marketing or transaction-related purposes. You can opt out at any time.

Sharing Your Data: We may share your data with internal and external parties as necessary for service provision, legal compliance, or legitimate business interests. We ensure all parties handling your data comply with legal requirements and respect your privacy.

Your Rights and Choices: Access and rectify your data. Object to or restrict processing. Request data deletion or transfer. Withdraw consent for marketing communications. You can manage your preferences through our apps or by contacting us at

Data Security: We implement appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of your data.

Contact Us: For inquiries, exercising your rights, or making complaints regarding your data, contact our customer service at